Journal Articles
Neighbor-Aware Calibration of Segmentation Networks with Penalty-Based Constraints.
In MedIA, 2025.
Murugesan, B.; Adiga, S.; Liu, B.; Lombaert, H.; Ben Ayed, I. and Dolz, J.
GeoLS: an Intensity-based, Geodesic Soft Labeling for Image Segmentation.
In Melba, 2024.
Adiga, S.; Dolz, J. and Lombaert, H.
Anatomically-aware Uncertainty for Semi-supervised Image Segmentation.
In MedIA, 2023.
Adiga, S.; Dolz, J. and Lombaert, H.
Active Learning for Medical Image Segmentation with Stochastic Batches.
In MedIA, 2023.
Gaillochet, M.; Desrosiers, C. and Lombaert, H.
Learning Joint Surface Reconstruction and Segmentation, from Brain Images to Cortical Surface Parcellation.
In MedIA, 2023.
Gopinath, K.; Desrosiers, C. and Lombaert, H.
Source-free Domain Adaptation for Image Segmentation.
In MedIA, 2022.
Bateson, M.; Kervadec, H.; Dolz, J.; Lombaert, H. and Ben Ayed, I.
Attention-based Dynamic Subspace Learners for Medical Image Analysis.
In IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI), 2022.
Adiga, S.; Dolz, J. and Lombaert, H.
Little W-Net: State-of-the-Art Retinal Vessel Segmentation with Minimalistic Models.
In Nature Scientific Reports, 2022.
Galdran, A.; Anjos, A.; Dolz, J.; Chakor, H.; Lombaert, H. and Ben Ayed, I.
Manifold-aware Synthesis of High-resolution Diffusion from Structural Imaging.
In Frontiers in Neuroimaging, 2022.
Anctil-Robitaille, B.; Théberge, A.; Jodoin, P-M.; Descoteaux, M.; Desrosiers, C. and Lombaert, H.
Real-time simulation of viscoelastic tissue behavior with physics-guided deep learning.
In CMIG, 2022.
Karami, M.; Lombaert, H. and Rivest-Henault, D.
Realistic Image Normalization for Multi-Domain Segmentation.
In Medical Image Analysis (MedIA), 2021.
Delisle, P-L.; Anctil-Robitaille, B.; Desrosiers, C. and Lombaert, H.
Constrained Domain Adaptation for Image Segmentation.
In IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (TMI), 2021.
Bateson, M.; Dolz, J.; Kervadec, H.; Lombaert, H. and Ben Ayed, I.
Learnable Pooling in Graph Convolutional Networks for Brain Surface Analysis.
In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), 2020.
Gopinath, K.; Desrosiers, C. and Lombaert, H.
Non-uniform Label Smoothing for Diabetic Retinopathy Grading from Retinal Fundus Images with Deep Neural Networks.
In TVST, 2020.
Gadran, A.; Chelbi, J.; Dolz, J.; Lombaert, H.; Ben Ayed, I. and Chakor, H.
Graph Convolutions on Spectral Embeddings for Cortical Surface Parcellation.
In Medical Image Analysis (MedIA), 2019.
Gopinath, K.; Desrosiers, C. and Lombaert, H.
HyperDense-Net: A hyper-densely connected CNN for multi-modal image segmentation.
In IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (TMI), 2018.
Dolz, J.; Gopinath, K.; Yuan, J.; Lombaert, H.; Desrosiers, C. and Ben Ayed, I.
Spectral Shape Analysis of Human Torsos: Application to the Evaluation of Scoliosis Surgery Outcome.
In IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI), 2017.
Ahmad, O.; Lombaert, H.; Parent, S.; Labelle, H.; Dansereau, J. and Cheriet, F.
Cortical Folding of the Preterm Brain: A Longitudinal Analysis of Extremely Preterm Born Neonates using Spectral Matching.
In Brain and Behavior, 2016.
Orasanu, E.; Melbourne, A.; Cardoso, J.; Lombaert, H.; Robertson, N.; Kendall, G.; Marlow, N. and Ourselin, S.
Statistical Shape Analysis of Subcortical Structures using Spectral Matching.
In Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics (CMIG), 2016.
Shakeri, M.; Lombaert, H.; Datta, A.; Oser, N.; Letourneau-Guillon, L.; Vincent Lapiere, L.; Martin, F.; Malfait, D.; Tucholka, A.; Lippe, S. and Kadoury, S.
Spectral Log-Demons - Diffeomorphic Image Registration with Very Large Deformations.
In International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), 107 (3), 2014.
Lombaert, H.; Grady, L.; Pennec, X.; Ayache, N. and Cheriet, F.
FOCUSR: Feature Oriented Correspondence using Spectral Regularization - A Method for Precise Surface Matching.
In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), 35 (9), 2013.
Lombaert, H.; Grady, L.; Polimeni, J. R. and Cheriet, F.
FQRNT Etudiant Etoile
Best Paper Award
Human Atlas of the Cardiac Fiber Architecture: Study on a Healthy Population.
In IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (TMI), 31 (7), 2012.
Lombaert, H.; Peyrat, J-M.; Croisille, P.; Rapacchi, S.; Fanton, L.; Cheriet, F.; Clarysse, P.; Magnin, I.; Delingette, H. and Ayache, N.
Top-Conference Articles & More
Note: Top Conferences, such as MICCAI,IPMI or ICCV,ECCV, have lower acceptance rates than many top journals.
Acceptance Rate: 30%
Sparse Bayesian Networks: Efficient Uncertainty Quantification in Medical Image Analysis.
In MICCAI, 2024.
Abboud, Z.; Lombaert, H. and Kadoury, S.
Automating MedSAM by Learning Prompts with Weak Few-Shot Supervision.
In MICCAI MedAGI, 2024.
Gaillochet, M.; Desrosiers, C. and Lombaert, H.
Acceptance Rate: 30%
Trust your neighbours: Penalty-based constraints for model calibration.
In MICCAI, 2023.
Murugesan, B.; Adiga, S.; Liu, B.; Lombaert, H.; Ben Ayed, I. and Dolz, J.
Oral Presentation
GeoLS: Geodesic Label Smoothing for Image Segmentation.
In MIDL, 2023.
Adiga, S.; Dolz, J. and Lombaert, H.
TAAL: Test-time Augmentation for Active Learning in Medical Image Segmentation.
Gaillochet, M.; Desrosiers, C. and Lombaert, H.
Acceptance Rate: 30%
Leveraging Labeling Representations in Uncertainty-based Semi-supervised Segmentation.
In MICCAI, 2022.
Adiga, S.; Dolz, J. and Lombaert, H.
Acceptance Rate: 30%
Test-Time Adaptation with Shape Moments for Image Segmentation.
In MICCAI, 2022.
Bateson, M.; Lombaert, H. and Ben Ayed, I.
Acceptance Rate: 30%
Oral Presentation
3D Shape Representation via Spectral Coordinates on Medial Manifolds.
In CVPR, 2022.
Rezanejad, M.; Kohdadad, M.; Mahyar, H.; Lombaert, H.; Gruninger, M.; Walther, B. and Siddiqi, K.
Attention-based Dynamic Subspace Learners.
In Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL), 2022.
Adiga, S.; Dolz, J. and Lombaert, H.
Source-Free Domain Adaptation for Image Segmentation.
In Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL), 2022.
Bateson, M.; Kervadec, H.; Dolz, J.; Lombaert, H. and Ben Ayed, I.
Acceptance Rate: 30%
Oral Presentation
SegRecon: Learning Joint Brain Surface Reconstruction and Segmentation from Images.
In MICCAI, 2021.
Gopinath, K.; Desrosiers, C. and Lombaert, H.
Acceptance Rate: 30%
Oral Presentation
Source-Relaxed Domain Adaptation for Image Segmentation.
In MICCAI, 2020.
Bateson, M.; Kervadec, H.; Dolz, J.; Lombaert, H. and Ben Ayed, I.
Acceptance Rate: 30%
Oral Presentation
Cost-Sensitive Regularization for Diabetic Retinopathy Grading from Eye Fundus Images.
In MICCAI, 2020.
Galdran, A.; Dolz, J.; Chakor, H.; Lombaert, H. and Ben Ayed, I.
Oral Presentation
Manifold-Aware CycleGAN for High-Resolution Structural-to-DTI Synthesis.
Anctil-Robitaille, B.; Desrosiers, C. and Lombaert, H.
Oral Presentation
Best Paper Runnerup
Graph Domain Adaptation for Alignment-Invariant Brain Surface Segmentation.
Gopinath, K.; Desrosiers, C. and Lombaert, H.
Oral Presentation
Adversarial Normalization for Multi Domain Image Segmentation.
In ISBI, 2020.
Delisle, P-L.; Anctil-Robitaille, B.; Desrosiers, C. and Lombaert, H.
Oral Presentation
Spectral Graph Transformer Networks for Brain Surface Parcellation.
In ISBI, 2020.
Gopinath, K.; He, R.; Desrosiers, C. and Lombaert, H.
Acceptance Rate: 30%
Constrained Domain Adaptation for Segmentation.
In MICCAI, 2019.
Bateson, M.; Kervadec, H.; Dolz, J.; Lombaert, H. and Ben Ayed, I.
Acceptance Rate: 30%
Oral Presentation
Adaptive Graph Convolution Pooling for Brain Surface Analysis.
In IPMI, 2019.
Gopinath, K.; Desrosiers, C. and Lombaert, H.
Cortical Parcellation via Spectral Graph Convolutions.
In MIDL, 2019.
Gopinath, K.; Desrosiers, C. and Lombaert, H.
Brain Tumor Segmentation using Topological Loss in Convolutional Networks.
In MIDL, 2019.
Reddy, C.; Gopinath, K. and Lombaert, H.
HyperDense-Net: A hyper-densely connected CNN for multi-modal image segmentation.
In MIDL, 2019.
Dolz, J.; Gopinath, K.; Yuan, J.; Lombaert, H.; Desrosiers, C. and Ben Ayed, I.
Acceptance Rate: 21%
Oral Presentation
Graph Convolutions on Spectral Embeddings: Learning of Cortical Surface Data.
In MED-NeurIPS/NIPS, 2018.
Gopinath, K.; Desrosiers, C. and Lombaert, H.
Spectral Learning of Surface Data: Ideas from Medical Imaging.
In MED-NeurIPS/NIPS, 2017.
Lombaert, H.; Criminisi, A. and Ayache, N.
Acceptance Rate: 30%
Longitudinal Analysis of the Preterm Cortex using Multi-Modal Spectral Matching.
In Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2016.
Orasanu, E.; Bazin, P-L.; Melbourne, A.; Lorenzi, M.; Lombaert, H.; Robertson, N.; Kendall, G.; Weiskopf, N.; Marlow, N. and Ourselin, S.
Oral Presentation
ISMRM Summa Cum Laude (Top 5%)
Mapping Longitudinal White Matter Changes in Extremely Preterm Born Infants.
In International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 2016.
Orasanu, E.; Melbourne, A.; Modat, M.; Lorenzi, M.; Lombaert, H.; Eaton-Rosen, Z.; Robertson, N.; Kendall, G.; Marlow, N. and Ourselin, S.
Oral Presentation
Deep Spectral-Based Shape Features for Alzheimer's Disease Classification.
Shakeri, M.; Lombaert, H.; Tripathi, S. and Kadoury, S.
Oral Presentation
Longitudinal Scoliotic Trunk Analysis via Spectral Representation and Statistical Analysis.
Ahmad, O.; Lombaert, H.; Parent, S.; Labelle, H.; Dansereau, J. and Cheriet, F.
Acceptance Rate: 30%
Spectral Forests: Learning of Surface Data, Application to Cortical Parcellation.
In Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2015.
Lombaert, H.; Criminisi, A. and Ayache, N.
Acceptance Rate: ~25%
Brain Transfer: Spectral Analysis of Cortical Surfaces and Functional Maps.
In Information Processing and Medical Imaging (IPMI), 2015.
Lombaert, H.; Arcaro, M. and Ayache, N.
Brain Transfer for the Analysis of Cortical Data.
In Society for Neuroscience (SfN), 2015.
Lombaert, H.; Arcaro, M.; Kastner, S. and Ayache, N.
Oral Presentation
Tensor Spectral Matching of Diffusion Weighted Images.
Orasanu, E.; Melbourne, A.; Modat, M.; Lorenzi, M.; Lombaert, H.; Eaton-Rosen, Z.; Robertson, N.; Kendall, G.; Marlow, N. and Ourselin, S.
Oral Presentation
Myocardial Infarct Localization using Neighborhood Approximation Forests.
Bleton, H.; Margeta, J.; Lombaert, H.; Delingette, H. and Ayache, N.
Oral Presentation
Propagation of Myocardial Fibre Architecture Uncertainty on Electromechanical Model Parameter Estimation: A Case Study.
In Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart (FIMH), 2015.
Mollero, R.; Neumann, D.; Rohe, M-M.; Datar, M.; Lombaert, H.; Ayache, N.; Comaniciu, D.; Ecabert, O.; Chinali, M.; Rinelli, G.; Pennec, X.; Sermesant, M. and Mansi, T.
Oral Presentation
Classification of Alzheimer's Disease using Discriminant Manifolds of Hippocampus Shapes.
In ICML Workshop in Medical Imaging (ICML-ML-Medim), 2015.
Shakeri, M.; Lombaert, H. and Kadoury, S.
Acceptance Rate: 30%
Laplacian Forests: Semantic Image Segmentation by Guided Bagging.
In Medical Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2014.
Lombaert, H.; Zikic, D.; Criminisi, A. and Ayache, N.
Acceptance Rate: 30%
Multi-Atlas Spectral PatchMatch: Application to Cardiac Image Segmentation.
In Medical Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2014.
Shi, W.; Lombaert, H.; Bai, W.; Ledig, C.; Zhuang, X.; Simoes Monteiro de Marvao, A.; Dawes, T.; O'Regan, D. and Rueckert, D.
Oral Presentation
Prefrontal Cortical Folding of the Preterm Brain: A Longitudinal Analysis of Preterm-born Neonates.
Orasanu, E.; Melbourne, A.; Lombaert, H.; Cardoso, M. J.; Johnsen, S. F.; Kendall, G. S; Robertson, N. J; Marlow, N. and Ourselin, S.
Oral Presentation
Groupwise Shape Analysis of the Hippocampus using Spectral Matching.
In SPIE Medical Imaging, 2014.
Shakeri, M.; Lombaert, H.; Lippe, S. and Kadoury, S.
Acceptance Rate: 32%
Joint Statistics on Cardiac Shape and Fiber Architecture.
In Medical Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2013.
Lombaert, H. and Peyrat, J-M.
Applying a 4D [11C]Raclopride Template to Automated Binding Potential Estimation in HRRT Brain PET.
In Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2013.
Novosad, P.; Bieth, M.; Lombaert, H.; Siddiqi, K. and and Reader, A.
Acceptance Rate: 32%
Atlas Construction for Dynamic (4D) PET using Diffeomorphic Transformations.
In Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2013.
Bieth, M.; Lombaert, H.; Reader, A. and Siddiqi, K.
Acceptance Rate: 32%
Cardiac Fiber Inpainting using Maurer-Cartan Forms.
In Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2013.
Piuze, E.; Lombaert, H.; Sporring, J. and Siddiqi, K.
Acceptance Rate: ~25%
Oral Presentation
Erbsmann Prize
Best Paper Award
Diffeomorphic Spectral Matching of Cortical Surfaces.
In Information Processing and Medical Imaging (IPMI), 2013.
Lombaert, H.; Sporring, J. and Siddiqi, K.
Atlases of Cardiac Fiber Differential Structure.
In Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart (FIMH), 2013.
Piuze, E.; Lombaert, H.; Sporring, J.; Strijkers, G.; Bakermans, A. and Siddiqi, K.
Oral Presentation
Best Paper Award
Groupwise Spectral Log-Demons Framework for Atlas Construction.
In MICCAI Workshop on Medical Computer Vision (MICCAI MCV), 2012.
Lombaert, H.; Grady, L.; Pennec, X.; Peyrat, J-M.; Ayache, N. and Cheriet, F.
Acceptance Rate: 25%
Spectral Demons - Image Registration via Global Spectral Correspondence.
In European Conference in Computer Vision (ECCV), 2012.
Lombaert, H.; Grady, L.; Pennec, X.; Ayache, N. and Cheriet, F.
Simultaneous Image Denoising and Registration using Graph Cuts.
In Information Science, Signal Processing and Applications (ISSPA), 2012.
Lombaert, H. and Cheriet, F.
Oral Presentation
Variability of the Human Cardiac Laminar Structure.
Lombaert, H.; Peyrat, J-M.; Fanton, L.; Cheriet, F.; Delingette, H.; Ayache, N.; Clarysse, P.; Magnin, I. and Croisille, P.
Statistical Atlas of Human Cardiac Fibers: Comparison with Abnormal Hearts.
Lombaert, H.; Peyrat, J-M.; Fanton, L.; Cheriet, F.; Delingette, H.; Ayache, N.; Clarysse, P.; Magnin, I. and Croisille, P.
Acceptance Rate: 28%
Fast Brain Matching with Spectral Correspondence.
In Information Processing and Medical Imaging (IPMI), 2011.
Lombaert, H.; Grady, L.; Polimeni, J. R. and Cheriet, F.
Oral Presentation
Best Paper Award
Statistical Analysis of the Human Cardiac Fiber Architecture from DT-MRI.
In Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart (FIMH), 2011.
Lombaert, H.; Peyrat, J-M.; Croisille, P.; Rapacchi, S.; Fanton, L.; Clarysse, P.; Delingette, H. and Ayache, N.
Oral Presentation
Human Statistical Atlas of Cardiac Fiber Architecture from DT-MRI.
In International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 2011.
Lombaert, H.; Peyrat, J-M.; Rapacchi, S.; Fanton, L.; Delingette, H.; Ayache, N. and Croisille, P.
Fast 4D segmentation of large datasets using graph cuts.
In SPIE Medical Imaging, 2011.
Lombaert, H.; Sun, Y. and Cheriet, F.
Geodesic Thin Plate Splines for Image Segmentation.
In IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2010.
Lombaert, H. and Cheriet, F.
Spatio-Temporal Segmentation of the Heartin 4D MRI Images using Graph Cuts with Motion Cues.
In Intenational Symposium in Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2010.
Lombaert, H. and Cheriet, F.
Acceptance Rate: 44%
Oral Presentation
Landmark-based Non-rigid Registration via Graph Cuts.
In International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR), 2007.
Lombaert, H.; Sun, Y. and Cheriet, F.
Acceptance Rate: 19%
A Multilevel Banded Graph Cuts Method for Fast Image Segmentation.
In IEEE International Conference in Computer Vision (ICCV), 2005.
Lombaert, H.; Sun, Y.; Grady, L. and Xu, C.
Canada's Gov General Gold Medal
(ETS Montreal)
Learning with Uncertainty in Medical Image Segmentation.
Ph.D. Thesis, Ecole de Technologie Superieure, 2024.
Adiga, S.
Domain Adaptation with Missing Data.
Ph.D. Thesis, Ecole de Technologie Superieure, 2023.
Bateson, M.
Best Thesis Award
Canada's Gov General Gold Medal
(ETS Montreal)
Geometrical Learning of Brain Surface Data.
Ph.D. Thesis, Ecole de Technologie Superieure, 2021.
Gopinath, K.
Best Thesis Award
(ETS Montreal)
Manifold-aware Synthesis of High-resolution Diffusion from Structural Imaging.
Master's Thesis, Ecole de Technologie Superieure, 2021.
Anctil-Robitaille, B.
Realistic Image Normalization for Multi-Domain Segmentation.
Master's Thesis, Ecole de Technologie Superieure, 2021.
Delisle, P-L.
Best Thesis Award
(Computer Engineering)
Atlas Construction for Measuring the Variability of Complex Anatomical Structures.
Ph.D. Thesis, Ecole Polytechnique, 2012.
Lombaert, H.
Fusion of Multimodal Cardiac Image Sequences.
Thesis Proposal, Ecole Polytechnique, 2007.
Lombaert, H.
Fast 4D Segmentation of Large Datasets Using Graph Cuts.
US Patent No 8131075, Application No 11/927,777, Filled Oct. 30, 2007, Issued Mar. 6, 2012.
Sun, Y.; Lombaert, H. J. and Cheriet, F.
Methods and Systems for Fast Automatic Brain Matching via Spectral Correspondence.
US Patent No 8965077, Application No 13/107,002, Filled May 13, 2011, Published Dec. 1, 2011, Ussed Feb. 24, 2015.
Grady, L.; Lombaert, H. J.; Polimeni, J. R. and Cheriet, F.
Method and apparatus for interactive 4-dimensional (4D) virtual endoscopy.
US Patent No 8007437, Application No 11/874,975, Filled Oct. 19, 2007, Issued Aug. 30, 2011.
Lombaert, H. J.; Sauer, F.; Sun, Y. and Xu, C.
Intuitive User Interface for Endoscopic View Visualization.
US Patent No 7889227, Application No 11/227,807, Filled Sep. 15, 2005, Issued Feb. 15, 2011.
Rahn, N.; Xu, C.; Sun, Y.; Baker, S.; John, M. and Lombaert, H.
Multilevel Image Segmentation.
US Patent No 8913830, Application No 11/313,102, Filled Dec. 20, 2005, Published Jul. 20, 2006, Issued Dec. 16 2014.
Sun, Y.; Lombaert, H.; Grady, L. and Xu, C.
Multilevel Image Segmentation.
Chinese Provisional Application.
Sun, Y.; Lombaert, H.; Grady, L. and Xu, C.
Multilevel Image Segmentation.
2005P00855IN, Indian Provisional Application.
Sun, Y.; Lombaert, H.; Grady, L. and Xu, C.
Ultrasound Frame Compensation and Compounding.
Patent Pending.
A System and Method for Finding Accurate Pointwise Correspondences between Images.
Patent Pending.
MELBA Journal, MIDL 2020 Special Issue.
MELBA, 2020.
de Bruijne, M.; Arbel, T.; Ben Ayed, I. and Lombaert, H.
Proceedings of Medical Imaging with Deep Learning: MIDL 2020.
PMLR, 2020.
(Equal Contributors),; Arbel, T.; Ben Ayed, I.; de Bruijne, M.; Descoteaux, M.; Lombaert, H. and Pal, C.
Compendium of Medical Imaging with Deep Learning: MIDL 2020, Short Paper Tracks.
arXiv Compendium, 2020.
(Equal Contributors),; Arbel, T.; Ben Ayed, I.; de Bruijne, M.; Descoteaux, M.; Lombaert, H. and Pal, C.
Proceedings of the MICCAI Workshop on Shape in Medical Imaging.
Springer, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, volume 12474, 2020.
(Equal Contributors),; Reuter, M.; Wachinger, C.; Lombaert, H.; Paniagua, B.; Goksel, O. and Rekik, I.
Proceedings of the MICCAI Workshop on Shape in Medical Imaging.
Springer, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, volume 11167, 2018.
(Equal Contributors),; Reuter, M.; Wachinger, C.; Lombaert, H.; Paniagua, B.; Luthi, M. and Egger, B.
Proceedings of the First MICCAI Workshop on Spectral and Shape Analysis in Medical Imaging.
Springer, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, volume 10126, 2016.
(Equal Contributors),; Reuter, M.; Wachinger, C. and Lombaert, H.
Proceedings of the First ICML Workshop on Machine Learning Meets Medical Imaging.
Springer, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, volume 9487, 2015.
(Equal Contributors),; Bhatia, K. and Lombaert, H.